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Inner Conflict

Prior to watching my funds disappear before my eyes, a good friend asked me to share a journey with her for a few days to Montville. This was a wonderful opportunity for me to get out and relax away from all that was bombarding me. While there, I was literally drawn to a psychics door which I new I needed to see. As synchronicities go, a cancellation saw me get an appointment the next day. The important connections I was given here, were that I was to look at Asil (who channels the Elohim) and Stargate (who channels Alcazar), see which one resonated with me and then connect with them and start the work. I had never heard of either of these before nor the work that was being carried out by them. So here my journey begins into the spirit realms.

This was halted momentarily on arriving home as over the next day or two I watched my investment go from a healthy balance to a zero one and of course I was unable to contact my “investor”, he had just disappeared off the platform. Whoa!!!!! I’m sure you can imagine the distress and fear that arose along with how could I have been so bloody stupid. An intelligent person (so I thought) being drawn into and even doing something that I would never usually have ever contemplated before. Dark forces at play here, messing with my mind and making it absolutely impossible for me to think clearly or trust my intuition, as I was all over the place.

FEAR once again infused my being. What was I to do. I was already unravelling from being shown all that I had ever known was a ‘lie’ (my perception). How was I to step back into that world again and earn an income to support me knowing what I now know??? I just cant unsee what I’ve seen. Also, I had by this time resigned from my employment. I decided at the time, that if I had to go back to work (well that’s was FEAR working with my EGO was telling me), I would contract away and work at some of the indigenous places and see a bit of Australia at the same time. PERFECT right? It took me 2 contracts, one up the top end of QLD and a trip to the Pilbara region of WA to realize it doesn’t matter how many times I try to reinvent the hampster wheel, its just the same, same but different.

Back to my inner journey of discovery once again.

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